Lesson 02: How an unhappy lawyer with a Harvard degree became a badass calligrapher
With Shinah Chang
What do you do when you’ve worked hard all your life doing everything you were “supposed” to do, only to end up unfulfilled and lost?
Shinah Chang is the owner of Crooked Calligraphy, a modern calligraphy studio. She calls herself an unconventional calligrapher and her work stands out because she likes curse words and isn’t afraid to use them, in real life or in her work. Shina teaches classes, creates work for weddings and events, and for clients like Disney and Nordstrom.
But Shinah’s started her journey on a very traditional path to success. She had a tiger mom, got a perfect 1600 on her SATs, went to Harvard, and went on to become a very successful attorney making over 6 figures right out the gate. But she was stressed out and extremely unhappy, until she left everything behind to explore her passion for calligraphy and now it’s paying off.
Mentioned in this episode:
How she felt lost and unfulfilled in her career as a lawyer, and ultimately how she found her way thanks to some really good questions a life coach asked her that changed everything
How to discover what you love to do
How to channel who you really are into your work by finding your authentic voice, even if it pisses people off
How to begin to overcome the fear of failure and the fear of rejection, and move forward despite the fear
Tatsuo Horiuchi, The Michelangelo of Microsoft Excel
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